So, in about February, we decided to look for a house in earnest. First because I gave up any thought of leaving my job for greener (wetter, Westward) pastures.
For now, anyway.
Second, Lucky was trying to build a freelance design business (I would insert a link to his site here, but, well, you know, he’s “Lucky”, not “Speedy”) and was having difficulty finding motivation in the 3′ x 5′ corner of the basement that was his “studio”.

My office, also small.
Right. Thus motivated, Lucky remembered a Wise and Delightful Realtor he once met at an open house, lo, these many years ago, back when we looked with somewhat less commitment at houses around the city just for fun. She is fabulous — Lucky is lucky, after all — and gamely showed us approximately 4 trillion places. However, Corypheus, also appropriately named, did some searching herself and found the One House, after which there were no others.

With some wise and delightful advice, we made an offer in April which was ultimately accepted. Hooray!
Wait, wait, wait. At this point, while we have talked at length about cleaning and updating the condo, the offer on the One House has been accepted, and we have not yet actually done any of the aforementioned cleaning or updating. Um, okay. Corypheus has 2 conferences on the other coast in April & May and is rendered useless, except as a boss. Lucky (not actually feeling it so much now) throws himself into getting the old place together in just enough time to get it listed. Wise and Delightful Realtor gave some spot-on staging advice, and after much research and delightful wisdom, we list it right at the appraised value and somewhat miraculously get an offer form the first person to look at the place. Our realtor delightfully yet wisely advises us that “the first offer is always the best offer”, and we end up bought & sold, just in the nick of time. Phew.
Lucky’s hard work and mad camera skillz may have contributed to the quick sale:

Now Corypheus feels lucky, too.