The gateway contract

We joined the Lancaster County Community Supported Agriculture on December 5, 2008. We bought 2 seasons’ worth of fresh produce — plus a fruit share, of course — 6 months in advance, like good little citizens. This key decision, this turning point, set into motion an irreversible series of events that would lead us to decide to look for and fall in love with a house, well before listing (or even cleaning) our condo. A house that with its advanced age and history of questionable upkeep would require many, many months of renovations, to be chronicled here. With pictures and hopefully less (or at least more humorous) crying and complaining than we are actually doing in person.

Right, and a complete kitchen demolition. Would anyone like some locally-grown, organic kale?

CSA application

CSA application

3 Responses to “The gateway contract”

  1. sueseif says:

    Re: gluten — illustration of guts NOT done by Chuckles…

    Heart, m

  2. Corypheus says:

    Has Chuckles ever ILLUSTRATED anything related to gluten?



  3. sueseif says:

    Many guts with maladies rare and wonderful… Gluten is apparently neither rare nor woderful.


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